This registrant has been resigned from 5/30/2017

France Laberge


Registration Number: XXX95

Category: Independent Practice

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English, French
Université Laval - 1986


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CPO and France Laberge 

Case Number 2015-0144

On October 13, 2016 the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee referred a matter involving France Laberge to the Discipline Committee for a hearing. 

Overview of the allegations:

Between January 2010 and December 2015, Ms. Laberge: 

  • Submitted invoices for physiotherapy assessments under her name and registration number when the assessments were completed by non physiotherapists
  • Assigned physiotherapy assessments, reassessments and the development of treatment plans to athletic therapists
  • Failed to obtain informed consent for the use of support personnel in the provision of care
  • Held out five staff members at her clinic as physiotherapists when these individuals were not registered physiotherapists

The hearing was held on June 5, 2017. 

Having reviewed the Notice of Hearing dated October 19, 2017, the Acknowledgement and Undertaking to the College signed by Ms. Laberge on May 30, 2017 and on consent of the parties, the Panel orders that the hearing in this matter shall be adjourned sine die. 



  1. I am currently a member of the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario (the “College”).
  2. I acknowledge that as a result of an investigation there were allegations made that I:
    • Submitted invoices for physiotherapy assessments under my name and registration number when the assessments were completed by non- physiotherapists
    • Assigned physiotherapy assessments, reassessments and the development of treatment plans to athletic therapists. 
    • Failed to obtain informed consent for the use of support personnel in the provision of care, and
    • Directly or indirectly held out staff members at my clinic as physiotherapists when these individuals were not registered physiotherapists. 
  3. I acknowledge that those allegations have been referred by the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee to the Discipline Committee of the College.
  4. In light of these allegations I have decided to retire and in the circumstances, I agree that it would be in my interest not to have a contested hearing.
  5. I undertake to cease practising physiotherapy and to resign my certificate of registration effective at 5:00 p.m. on the date on which I sign this Undertaking; no later than June 4, 2017.
  6. I undertake to never apply for membership, registration, or licensure with the College as a physiotherapist. 
  7. I acknowledge that the College will seek to indefinitely adjourn the discipline hearing as soon as possible after my resignation has become effective (at 5:00 p.m. on the date I sign this Undertaking) and will only seek to bring the discipline hearing back on if the Registrar believes I have breached this Undertaking, and I hereby consent to this indefinite adjournment.
  8. I acknowledge that immediately upon my resignation becoming effective I will not be able to practise physiotherapy, hold myself out as qualified to practice as a physiotherapist, use the title “physiotherapist”, “PT”, “Reg PT” or any variation or abbreviation thereof or equivalent in another language.
  9. I acknowledge that the text of this Undertaking will appear on the public register (which is found on the College’s website). 
  10. I acknowledge that any breach of this Undertaking may result in allegations of professional misconduct against me being referred to discipline.
  11. I acknowledge that I have consulted with legal counsel prior to signing this Undertaking.

The full decision is available on Canlii -

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