This registrant is currently suspended from 8/8/2018  

Graham David Jones

Suspended For Non-Payment of Fees
Terms Conditions & Limitations - Read More

Registration Number: XXX60

Category: Independent Practice

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D'Youville College - 2007


As a result of a discipline hearing these are the current terms, conditions and limitations on Mr. Graham Jones’ certificate of registration.



The Member successfully complete, at his own expense, the ProBE Program for Professional/Problem-Based Ethics;

The Member complete a review of the following College standards, tools, and resources and send written confirmation to the Registrar confirming that he has done so:

  • Professional Misconduct Regulation
  • Standard and Guide – Fees and Billing
  • Standard, Guide, Video and Infographic – Physiotherapists working with Physiotherapist Assistants
  • Standard, Guide, Checklist, Video and Infographic– Record Keeping
  • Essential Competency Profile for Physiotherapists in Canada and the Quick Reference Document
  • Essential Competency Profile for Physiotherapist Assistants
  • Standard for the Code of Ethics;


The Member may not return to practice as a physiotherapist until he has completed the remediation required above;

For a three (3) year period after the Member returns to the practice of physiotherapy, or a lesser period at the Registrar’s discretion, the Member will, at his own expense, participate in a practice enhancement coaching program with a focus on fees and billing, assessment and treatment, working with physiotherapy assistants (PTAs), and record keeping.

While the Member is participating in the practice enhancement coaching, he may not supervise physiotherapy students or physiotherapy assistant students or members of the College who hold a provisional practice certificate of registration.

While the Member is participating in the practice enhancement coaching program he may not practice as a physiotherapist in a fitness facility or gym setting or oversee / supervise care being provided in these settings.

Important Information, Please Read


CPO and Graham Jones

Case Number 2013-0117

On December 3, 2015 the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee referred a matter involving Graham Jones to the Discipline Committee for a hearing. 

Overview of the Allegations

Mr. Jones failed to maintain the standards of practice of the profession in respect of his:

  • assessments and reassessments of patients who attended at Clinio Health Centres (“Clinio”),
  • treatment plans for patients at Clinio, which recommended general exercise programs and did not qualify as physiotherapy,
  • billing practices, in which one on one supervised general exercise programs at Clinio, recommended by Mr. Jones to his patients, were improperly invoiced as physiotherapy,
  • supervision of persons who acted in the capacity of physiotherapy support personnel to provide care to his patients who attended at Clinio, 
  • record keeping practices at Clinio, and
  • advertising practices which provided incentives to patients who received services at Clinio

The hearing took place on Monday December 5, 2016. At the conclusion of the hearing the panel found that Mr. Jones had committed act(s) of professional misconduct related to the above areas of his practice with the exception of advertising practices which provided incentives to patients who received services at Clinio. 

The panel ordered the following penalty

  • a suspension of 15 months with a possibility that 7 months would be remitted (15 months served)
  • a reprimand (delivered)
  • practice enhancement activities including an ethics course
  • conditions related to his possible employment as a PTA during the period of suspension
  • coaching program of no more than three years after Mr Jones returns to practice
  • restrictions related to the supervision of physiotherapy students or individuals who hold a provisional practice certificate of registration
  • costs payable to the College in the amount of $17 000

A copy of the decision and reasons is available on Canlii (


On April 8, 2019, the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee (“the Committee”) thoroughly reviewed the evidence related to the concerns brought to the College’s attention concerning the practice / conduct of Mr. Jones. After carefully deliberating the issues and considering the evidence the Committee identified significant concerns regarding Mr. Jones’ management of the scheduling system at his practice which directly or indirectly resulted in numerous billings to third party payors which were in error. The concerns were significant enough to require Mr. Jones to attend before the Committee to receive a caution.  

The caution was administered on August 20, 2019

Since 2017, as required by law, the College has been posting cautions on the public register. A caution is a decision made by the ICRC when a concern raised in a complaint or in a formal investigation is sufficient to require the physiotherapist to attend before a panel of the ICRC to receive feedback from the panel on how to prevent similar concerns from arising in the future. A caution does not involve a finding of wrongdoing, professional misconduct or incompetence and is not disciplinary in nature.  

Reference:  ICRC 2016-0148

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