Registration Number: XXX49

Category: Independent Practice

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Mariana Paz
English, Spanish
Queen's University - 2011


As a result of a discipline hearing that took place on December 11, 2023, the following terms, conditions and limitations are on Marianna Paz's certificate of registration. Marianna Paz must:
  • Participate in practice enhancement coaching

Important Information, Please Read


Marianna Paz
Registration Number 14949

Case Number: 2022-0239

View Notice of Hearing

On June 21, 2023, the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee (ICRC) referred a matter involving Marianna Paz to the Discipline Committee for a hearing. 

The hearing took place on December 11, 2023. This matter was resolved by way of an Agreed Statement of Facts and a Joint Submission on Penalty. 


The panel of the Discipline Committee issued a decision on the finding on December 11, 2023, on the penalty on December 11, 2023 and on costs on December 11, 2023. 

After having considered all of the evidence, the panel found Marianna Paz to have committed the following acts of professional misconduct:
  • paragraph 1 (failing to maintain the standards of practice of the profession); 
  • paragraph 18 (engaging in conduct or performing an act relevant to the practice of the profession that, having regard to all the circumstances, would reasonably be regarded by members as disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional);
  • paragraph 27 (falsifying a record);
  • paragraph 28 (signing or issuing a document containing a statement that the member knows or ought to know is false or misleading);
  • paragraph 32 (submitting an account or charge for services that the member knows or ought to know is false or misleading) and;
  • paragraph 33 (failing to take reasonable steps to ensure that any accounts submitted in the member’s name or billing number are fair and accurate


The panel ordered the following penalty, Marianna Paz will:
  • Receive a reprimand at the conclusion of the hearing (delivered on December 11, 2023)
  • Serve an eight (8) month suspension (completed)
    • this could have been extended if certain requirements weren’t met
  • Review a list of standards and resources (completed)
  • Participate in practice enhancement coaching
  • Successfully complete the extended version of the ethics and professionalism course (completed)

While Marianna Paz was serving the suspension, they could not use the title Physiotherapist, PT or any abbreviation there of. Marianna Paz’s name, PT title and/or registration number could not be use for billing purposes while the suspension was being served.

Marianna Paz could only practice as a physiotherapist assistant (PTA) while they were serving the suspension if they have a supervisor who was pre-approved by the College.

The panel also ordered Marianna Paz to pay costs to the College in the amount of $7,000 to offset some of the costs associated with investigating and prosecuting this case.

As a part of the penalty, the Committee also issued a reprimand which read as follows:

Ms. Paz, as you know, as part of the penalty order, this Discipline Panel has ordered that you receive an oral reprimand. The fact that you received this reprimand will be part of the public portion of the Register and, as such, part of your record.

As a profession, we must maintain the confidence of the public and all involved stakeholders, such as third-party funders. Your conduct shows utter disregard for the College standards, undermines public trust, and brings disrepute to the profession. 

Using another health professional's
license number placed the other health professional in a compromised position, jeopardizing their ability to practice.

Finally, it is very concerning for this panel that you are a practice owner. Your position as a leader requires that you lead by example. At all times, your conduct must include strict adherence to the standards of practice of the profession. 

The panel is disappointed that you chose the path that you did and hopes that you learn to appreciate the responsibility and privilege bestowed upon you as a Physiotherapist. 

We expect that the remediation measures outlined in this penalty and the pre-existing SCERP will ensure your practice always meets the standards of the Profession in the future.
We do not expect to see you appear before a panel of this College again.

You can read the full decision of the Discipline Committee of the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario at:

Status: In Progress


On October 18, 2021 and December 9, 2021, the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee (“the Committee,” “ICRC”) considered the information obtained through an investigation into Mariana Paz’s conduct and practice following a complaint made by a patient of M Paz. After considering the results of the College’s investigation, the Committee identified concerns with M Paz’s conduct in the domain of record keeping (including the related issues of patient consent).

The Committee decided that its concerns were significant enough to require that M Paz appear before a Committee of the ICRC on a date specified by the Registrar in order to be cautioned about the issues of concern identified by the Committee.

Since 2017, as required by law, the College has been posting cautions on the public register. A caution is a decision made by the ICRC when a concern raised in a complaint or in a formal investigation is sufficient to require the physiotherapist to attend before a panel of the ICRC to receive feedback from the panel on how to prevent similar concerns from arising in the future. A caution does not involve a finding of wrongdoing, professional misconduct or incompetence and is not disciplinary in nature.  

File: 2021-0004
Status: Completed


On October 18, 2021 and December 9, 2021, the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee (“the Committee,” “ICRC”) considered the information obtained through an investigation into Mariana Paz’s conduct and practice following a complaint made by a patient of M Paz. After considering the results of the College’s investigation, the Committee identified concerns with M Paz’s conduct in the domain of record keeping (including the related issues of patient consent).

The Committee decided that its concerns were significant enough to require that M Paz complete a Specified Continuing Education or Remediation Plan (“SCERP”), which will require M Paz to successfully complete a one-on-one educational program with a practice coach that is focused on record keeping, and consent. The SCERP will also require M Paz to complete and/or review a number of the College’s resources related to record keeping and consent.

Since 2017, as required by law, the College has been posting information about SCERPs on the public register. A SCERP is ordered by the ICRC when they have identified concerns regarding a physiotherapist’s practice or conduct. A SCERP is an educational program and is not a finding of wrongdoing, professional misconduct or incompetence, nor is it disciplinary in nature. 

File: 2021-0004
Status: In Progress

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